Resident Evil 6 Download PC Game FREE

Resident Evil 6 Download PC Game

Resident Evil 6 is a survival ghastliness game created and distributed by Capcom. Resident Evil 6 has two stories which can be done at whatever point.

Resident Evil 6 Pc game download

The basic story goes as seeks after. Leon S Kennedy new cop is drawn nearer to go to his first employment at the Raccoon City Police station. He needs to get gas when he gets an unmistakable tendency inside himself. As he explores the corner store. Leon encounters an occurrence where tissue eating zombies nibble on an individual's neck. Leon races out of the service station when he continues running into school Claire Redfield who has landed at Raccoon City to search for sibling Chris. As they touch base in the city things get most noticeably awful. They are part and they have to meet at the police home office. 

Zombies in Resident Evil 6 are impressively more flexible than beforehand. Questions are moreover a little bit of the game, with most containing finding the right things or finding the code to open a specific entryway. 

Resident Evil 6 download free

Mixing activity and survival loathsomeness, Resident Evil 6 guarantees to be the emotional repulsiveness experience of 2013. Resident Evil top choices Leon S. Kennedy, Chris Redfield and Ada Wong are joined by new characters, including Jake Muller, to confront another awfulness, the profoundly destructive C-infection, as the account moves between North America, the war-torn Eastern European province of Edonia and the Chinese city of Lanshiang.

With four particular, yet joined story strings, each with their own pair of heroes for either solo or center play, both disconnected and on the web, not exclusively will Resident Evil 6 convey both alternate points of view and gameplay styles be that as it may, with the presentation of the creative Crossover repairman players will almost certainly group up and share the awfulness. At key minutes amid the game, up to four players can combine online to handle a particular circumstance, with certain stages seeing the typical organizations swapped to additionally build the profundity of gameplay.

Resident Evil 6 Key Features

Frightfulness on a worldwide scale – No longer restricted to a particular area, the episode of the C-infection is worldwide with the move making place in North America, Eastern Europe and China The most broad Resident Evil game to date-Experience the repulsiveness through four unmistakable yet interlaced crusades: 

Resident Evil 6, pc game, free, download

  • Hybrid Gameplay - Not just does every story run into each other, however so does the activity – At noteworthy focuses when the account draws sets of characters together, the all new Crossover specialist permits up to four players to encounter the ghastliness together on the web 

  • Solo or community play – Resident Evil 6 conveys both single and two player center gameplay either disconnected or on the web (anyway Ada Wong's crusade is one player as it were) 


  • New dangers on the ascent – Confront the aftereffects of the C-infection in the entirety of its fluctuated and destructive structures including zombies, J'avo, Chrysalids, and significantly more Agent Hunt Mode - In this all new online mode for the Resident Evil arrangement, experience the activity from the opposite side. As a 'seeker', join the adversary side to wind up one of the game's zombies, J'avo or other C-infection changes and penetrate another dynamic game session to take out the human characters
  • Play your direction – Use skill focuses to update your character to give quicker reload speed, improved capability or increment your wellbeing bar with the Character Skill framework

Resident Evil 6 PC Game System Requirements


OS:Windows Vista®/XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor:: Intel® CoreTM2 Duo 2.4 Ghz or better, AMD AthlonTM X2 2.8 Ghz or better  
Memory:2 GB RAM
Graphics:NVIDIA® GeForce® 8800GTS or better  
Hard Drive:16 GB HD space
Sound:Standard audio device
Other Requirements:Broadband Internet connection


OS:Windows Vista®/XP, Windows 7, Windows 8
Processor:Intel® CoreTM2 Quad 2.7 Ghz or better, AMD PhenomTM II X4 3 Ghz or better
Memory:4 GB RAM
Graphics:NVIDIA® GeForce® GTX 560 or better  
Hard Drive:16 GB HD space
Sound:Standard audio device

Download & Installation of Resident Evil 6 PC Game

Use Internet Download Manager for fast downloading. Download the setup file from the direct link given below. Just click on the download button below, a new page will open and your file will start downloading automatically after few seconds.This link is resumable, which means you can resume or pause downloading whenever you want.

Direct Download Link for Game  ( Setup Size-5 GB)
Resident Evil 2 Remake PC Game Download
Installation Method For Resident Evil 6 PC Game
Step-1 Before Installation of Game you have to install Visual C++  Redistributable run time installer and DirectX. You can download these files from the link given below.These both files are necessary to run the game, If you will not Install these files, the game will show errors. So if these files are not installed in your system already, just download these files and install before installing the game.
height="90" scrolling="no" border="0" marginwidth="0" style="border:none;" frameborder="0">

Download Link for Visual C++ Redistributable (x64 + x86) and DirectX-11
Resident Evil 2 Remake PC Game Download
Step-2 Before Installation of Game, do not forget to turn off the Antivirus and Internet Connection

Step-3 Its 100% working setup, just download the Installation video from the link given below and follow the same Installation method as shown in video, your game will work fine.

Installation Video

Resident Evil 2 Remake PC Game Download
All Done.Enjoy your game.!
If you have any problem or question just let us know in comment section below. We are here for you. Good luck

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